jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015


La propiedad CSS background -clip especifica si el fondo de un. Webkit también es compatible con prefijo en esta propieda y en ese . Use - webkit - background -clip: text and -webkit-fill-text-color : transparent to apply a background to a text on webkit browser. Set a color fallback f. CSS 3: Etiquetas propias de cada navegador (- webkit , -moz, -ms, -o). Specifies how the background -position property is determine i.

The value text in the - webkit - background -clip property clips the background to the foreground text, which is set to transparent by the -webkit-text-fill-color property . As it seems you have ran into Firefox bug. Problem appears to be unrelated to transition , but from test based on your snippet its seems that . Applications based on WebKit or Blink, such as Safari and Chrome, support a. With the CSS property background -clip: text (which is currently only supported in Webkit browsers), we can add a background image to a text . Specify the size of a background image with auto and in pixels:. Numbers followed by - webkit -, -moz-, or -o- specify the first version that worked with a prefix.

Default value ‎: ‎auto JavaScript syntax ‎: ‎object. I have this CSS in one of my stylesheets: `.

I ran into an issue with the background -size property. Estoy tratando de completar el contenido de un texto en una etiqueta hpor una imagen. Siguiendo mi entendimiento ;-), estoy haciendo lo . After updating chrome to 69.

Every mobile browser understands the background property and its specific. WebKit paved the way for gradients in CSS by adding support for. In the first box below background-size has been set to auto (the default value). When a new feature is added to the css specification, browsers gradually implement them.

While these new features are being teste they use . Internet ExplorerFirefox3. Rotating and skewing elements with stunning backgrounds will now be a. This is ideal if you are going to use a full background image only once. The CSS -moz- background -size Mozilla extension property specifies the size of the background images.

It is only supported in Gecko 1. En el siguiente ejemplo utilizamos la propiedad - webkit -text-fill-color que. Remembering what CSS to prefix is hard. Today browsers develop quickly (yay) and things often . La Css - webkit - background -clip . Gradient backgrounds started the tren nowadays websites have.

Today, it is recommended that only the . All looks ok in every respect except the background images in. Figure 4-Setting the padding 0f the navigation list items. En Mozilla Firefox debemos utilizar el atributo -moz- background -origin, en navegadores basados en webkit (como Chrome o Safari) se debe .

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