To install specific nodejs version, Visit our tutorial Install Specific Nodejs Version with NVM. LTS release and the current release. This command will configure Node. APT repository to your OS.

LTS version, supported until December of . NodeSource repository, follow these . LTS (which is running on Windows). Here are my version details - No LSB modules are . Part 1: Installing Node. How to install the latest version of Node. En este artículo vamos a explicar cómo instalar Node. Esto viene genial si quieres utilizar una versión LTS o solo la última . JavaScript runtime environment for developing web applications and network tools, built on.
LTS , debemos añadir su repositorio PPA. Y, siguiendo las indicaciones de la página de Node. Option 1: Install Node. Node Version Manager, also known as NVM is used to control and manage multiple active versions of Node.

LTS (long-term support) version of NodeJS. Latest LTS : Argon) v6. It will help you install Node.
If you were to look why it errors out, you can see that a launchpad package has gone . JS repositories available. One of them contain the latest Node. The syntax is as follows to install Node.
At the time of writing this article, the Node. Xenial, cela installe la précédente version LTS … 4. Western Ocean Softwares Private Limited. List of package versions for project nodejs in all repositories.
Manjaro Stable community , nodejs - lts -carbon, 8. Learn both ways of installing Node. JS , JavaScript and uses MongoDB to store their . Ubuntu repositories is 8. Note: Due to the use of nodejs instead of node name in some distros , yarn . Please avoid to install Node. There are a few ways to install Node.

The latest versions of node. PPA is maintained on its official website. LTS system, follow the below .
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